Solid’R, the Ethical label
guaranteeing the environmental, social and economic benefit of donations
Ethics and solidarity: 2 founding principles
The Solid’R label identifies social-economy enterprises that collect second-hand goods and have opted to emphasise their ethical principles.
These principles are stated in a charter that also guarantees transparent allocation of funds. The system is checked by independent body Forum Ethibel, which guarantees compliance with these principles.

Solid’R – more than a donation

The impact of labelled enterprises is threefold:
+ Reuse: by prioritising and maximising the reuse of the goods they collect, the Solid’R members increase their life, which has a positive impact on the environment
+ Jobs: by preserving the full value chain locally (collection, sorting, preparation for reuse and sale), Solid’R enterprises help create local jobs
+ Solidarity: the profits are reinvested in solidarity projects in Belgium and Southern countries.
The recovery and reuse of materials or objects was initiated on a large scale in the 1950s by the social economy based actors; pursuing a humanitarian and / or social purpose.
The recovery, sorting, repair and recovery, within the social economy framework, make possible to offer job to many low-skilled workers. In addition, to reinject all the margins generated for social and humanitarian goals.
The presence of private operators, sometimes under a pseudo-humanitarian cover, is a source of confusion in the public. This is why RESSOURCES Federation set up the Solid’R label:
- To distinguish organizations that commit themselves, voluntarily, to comply with ethical rules and the social economy criteria by an independent certifying body.
- To distinguish the organizations playing with transparency.
Like this, the citizens wishing to donate their textiles, can do it knowing who are behind the binds, and with the goal to promote solidarity and social goals.
Why Solid’R?

Who are your Solid’R partners ?
Oxfam Magasins du Monde
Oxfam Solidarité
Terre asbl
Les Petits Riens
Rezippons la terre
Centre d’entraide de Jette (CEJ asbl)
Ressourcerie Le Carré
La Poudrière
Ressourcerie La Fol’Fouille
De Bouche à Oreille
Wereld Missie Hulp
Salvatoriaanse Ontwikkelingshulp
Le Goéland
Fleur Service Social
Abad : Servizi & Lavoro Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Cooperativa Sociale Padre Daniele Badiali Onlus
Spazio Aperto : Società Cooperativa Sociale
Vesti Solidale : Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Di Mano in mano solidale : Società cooperativa sociale Onlus
Cauto : Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Consorzio Farsi Prossimo
Ezio : Cooperativa Sociale
Ruah : Cooperativa Impresa Sociale

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